Monday, 23 November 2009

Queensberry Album feature

We were delighted to have our latest album published on the Queensberry album blog. We were thrilled when the album arrived from New Zealand but to our surprise we were so happy to get an email a few days later from Nigel saying they loved the album and took some pictures so they could feature it on their blog. You can view the blog post here including a slideshow of the full album. We look forward to hopefully having more albums showcased in the future - watch this space!


Tushar Shah said...

Lovely album...great work Mr Cooper as always

Tushar Shah said...

Lovely album...great work Mr Cooper as always

John Cleary said...

Absolutely gorgeous album! Bet the bride & groom love it!

Hazel du Preez said...

Oe I love those shoes! Great album, the couple must love it!

Az said...

Well done Stu and Anna, these pictures and album are amazing.
And Burgh Island Hotel is such an amazing place with a great history too.