I couldn't wait to do this blog post as I had such a great time last week at the NEW Annabel Williams Studio! I was fortunate enough to be the first trainer to host a seminar there (I felt honoured!) also my very good friend Stew Randall was the last person to host a seminar at the old studio which was cool! I always liked the old studio and I shall miss it's charm, but the new one is unbelievable! It's on three floors with glass all around so the natural light pouring in is beautiful, also there is a roof terrace which again is amazing for photography. All together its a much more slicker building to be in. The seminar I host is called the digital wedding, and day one is all about developing a style of photography that will wow your clients whilst putting tools in place to work efficiently under the pressures of a wedding day, then day two is all about digital workflow and making your images come alive in post production. I had such an amazing time at this seminar as the sun was shining (always good!) and our models, Kate & Charlie were amazing! At times they held some pretty uncomfortable poses for some time so everyone could get a great shot! Also we had a great group of delegates that were from all different levels in their photography and their businesses. Below are some of my favourite images from the day and also there are a few images (the ones of me) from Andy Holdsworth who recently won the amateur category in the Annabel Williams awards. It was a fantastic couple of days and it's always great seeing all the girls up north! I look forward to our next seminar 'Fine Art Weddings' in December.